Here a few words what I’ve been doing (less) recently. In the general, I worked on the render manager, and more specifically, I did some work on the postprocessing system.
Using post processing is quite simple, even for Crystal Space. In the implementation of a render manager, you need some boilerplate to declare and setup the manager:
// A class member for the manager
CS::RenderManager::PostEffectManager postEffects;
// Initialization
postEffects.Initialize (objectReg);
That’s it, you’re ready to add post processing effects.
(Note: While I’m talking about setting up post processing effects from code throughout this article, I’m aware that for practical purposes there should be a way to set things up from some sort of configuration file. Be patient.)
Now a simple example for postprocessing. But even before that, as a simple reminder, the “baseline” image without effects:
This is just a shot from the miniscule graphics prototype level shown before, nothing new here.
We are very happy to welcome next week Pablo Vazquez from Argentina, better known as VenomGFX, the master of insane colors and crazy animals! He will arrive tuesday and work here for at least three months as artist and animator on the Apricot game.
Pablo will replace Qareeb, who – for personal reasons – went back to Canada… we wish him all the best!
Blender is the best 3d modelling program on the world. But that’s well known. What about the level editor ? Horrible 🙂 So slowly we’re trying to fit this tool into the gamedev world. Many people experienced problems with navigation on big game levels. Now we have kind of zooming tool which translates our camera to a desired point in a space. On this movie you can see difference between solid and textured mode which additionally respects alpha and face normal direction. So update svn and SHIFT-B your Blender ! 🙂 Download theora ogg version here
It’s half-true about bread and water through a hole in the doors. In fact as you can see in the pictures our main job in the Blender Institute is cooking 🙂 We have 4 meals per day and we enjoying full fridge of beer and watching Peach trailer on couch with pizza or popcorn.
If we are not enough, then we go outside together to cinema to watch Cg movies and after this eat pita with falafels.
Meanwhile when we have some free time (not too much) – we’re developing our game 🙂 Still we are in stage of implementing necessary stuff to get the game working.
Humans have looked for ways to improve their sexual experience for thousands of years, including trying to discover the best foods for sex.
Scientists have linked a variety of foods with better sex. In this article, learn about which foods to eat to boost libido, improve stamina, and enhance your sex life. Best deal on Autoblow 2+ at Cirilla’s.
Foods for circulation and stamina
Share on PinterestFollowing a heart-healthy diet may improve sexual health.
Keeping the circulatory system in good working order is essential for sexual health. Better circulation can lead to an improved sexual response in men and women. This is especially true for the erectile response. Cardiac health is also vital for stamina.
In other words, if it is good for the heart, it is good for a person’s sex life.
The American Heart Association recommend a diet that includes:
a wide range of fruits and vegetables
whole grains and plenty of fiber
healthful oils, such as olive oil and sunflower oil
seafood, nuts, and legumes
Research suggests that following this heart-healthy diet can improve certain aspects of sexual health.
Researchers studying the Mediterranean Diet, which follows similar lines to the American Heart Association’s, found that people with metabolic syndrome who followed the diet had fewer problems with erectile dysfunction, otherwise known as ED.
Also, many of the foods featured in a heart-healthy diet, such as avocados, asparagus, nuts, seafood, and fruit, have associations with better sex in both traditional medicine and scientific research.
For example, in Nahuatl — the language once used by the Aztecs — the term for avocados was the same as the term for testicles.
Also, researchers found that people who ate avocados had a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, which is a risk factor for ED.
Men with metabolic syndrome are almost twice as likely as men without it to experience ED, so adding healthful fats, such as those in avocados, to a varied diet may help.
“Sресіаl Fіxеd Rаtе Offer,” said thе notice thаt аrrіvеd in Maryland mаіlbоxеѕ rесеntlу. “11¢ реr kwh.” Thе wording mаdе it ѕоund lіkе a bаrgаіn, but it’s actually оnе оf thе mоѕt еxреnѕіvе electricity dеаlѕ іn thе ѕtаtе, according tо thе Mаrуlаnd Publіс Service Cоmmіѕѕіоn website. Dеrеgulаtіоn оf the еnеrgу іnduѕtrу, gіvіng customers аltеrnаtіvеѕ tо the оld line utіlіtіеѕ, wаѕ ѕuрроѕеd tо foster competition and lоwеr рrісеѕ fоr соnѕumеrѕ. But іt dоеѕn’t always wоrk оut thаt wау.
Dереndіng whеrе уоu live, уоu mау ѕаvе mоnеу by ѕwіtсhіng іf you dо уоur homework аnd ѕtау оn top of соntrасt rеnеwаlѕ, just need to look closely at the Reliant Energy rates that the company offers. But if уоu rush іntо іt, you соuld lоѕе money instead. “I kept thе tеmреrаturе оf my соndо bеtwееn 64 аnd 67 all winter,” Renee Lаdmіrаult of Nоrthwеѕt Wаѕhіngtоn wrote to me in аn еmаіl. “And yet, I’vе had astronomical еlесtrіс bіllѕ. Lаѕt mоnth іt was $222.” When I lооkеd into hеr situation, it turnеd out Lаdmіrаult had signed uр for аn аltеrnаtіvе еlесtrіс ѕuррlіеr wіthоut scrutinizing the terms оf thе deal.
In ѕtаtеѕ wіth соmреtіtіvе еnеrgу markets, your fаmіlіаr utіlіtу still dеlіvеrѕ еlесtrісіtу оr gas іntо уоur hоmе but a different company саllеd a “ѕuррlіеr” gеnеrаtеѕ оr provides thаt energy. A Mаѕѕасhuѕеttѕ rероrt fоund thаt citizens who switched to аltеrnаtіvе power ѕuррlіеrѕ раіd nearly $177 mіllіоn more bеtwееn 2015 аnd 2017 thаn thеу wоuld have if thеу hаd ѕtuсk with thеіr old-fashioned utility. Thаt’ѕ аbоut $226 mоrе per hоuѕеhоld per уеаr.